Sunday, February 22, 2015

Working in the Digital Age

What are online newspapers? They are electronic newspapers that are self-contained, reusable, and refresh-able version of atraditional newspaper that acquires and holds information electronically.Multimedia is also around the same definition. With multimedia meaning that many different media’s are being used such as audio, video, graphics, drawings or any other media.

This digital photographic technology affected photojournalism and photojournalist in some significant ways. With that being that it gave photojournalists another way to get their works out for people to see. Giving that more people would access it through online rather than hard copy because it was free. Also another effect that was major was that with multimedia this allowed for videos to be shown as a part of the photojournalist’s stories. With hard copy newspapers that option was not available.

What I discovered when I compared and contrasted this digital photographic technology with one of the pre-digital technologies from module 4 was first that online newspapers (multimedia) and the term rotogravure was that it both involves the use of press. Rotogravure is a printing process in which letters and pictures are transferred from coppercylinder to a web of paper. But clearly the difference between the two is that online newspapers are web based, while rotogravure is more for hard copy.

To add to the two comparisons, another way to compare them would be in the sense of them being in the newspaper; they worked hand in hand. Like Nordell said, in the 1890s how rotogravure came along so it was easyto publish photographs in newspapers. As for the importance, the growth of the internet simply helped. “With the explosion of the internet and the ability totake digital photos and transmit them digitally was huge.” Interesting enough rotogravure was the most looked at page in the newspaper. “There would be a special editionin the Sunday with photographs; it was the most looked at page in the newspaper. As far as the benefits, Nordell went to say “for companies thatadvertised in the newspapers in those pages where there were photographs, thoseads sold much more; so there was a huge impact on photojournalism."

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Art Of Photojournalism

Photo by: Malcolm Browne
Year Created: 1963

Obvious main subject
In this image of the priest it is clear what the main subject of this image is. With the photographer not offsetting the subject you are drawn right into him. With what is occurring that also helps to show what the main subject is.

Subject’s Expression
Interesting enough, it seems as if the priest is calm and relaxed even though he is on fire. It appears that his legs are crossed and that alone will tell you. From this image you cant see any facial expression so body language is the only thing to judge.

In this image you clearly see that he is on fire, so that makes the texture evident. You almost feel the pain and the heat coming from the priest. Looking through the photo the flames show the most texture.

Photo by: Mike Wells
Year Created: 1980

Is the image black & White or color?
This image is in color and I feel as though that brings a very humane affect to this photo. Its two different races in the photo and to me if it was in black and white that easily could be overlooked.

Keep it simple
This image caught my attention quickly.  Its very simple but it says a lot within it. With just two hands you see the different sizes and you see the major difference. If the image was a full picture of both people I feel as though it would not have the same affect that it gives off with just these two hands.

In or out of focus
This image correctly focuses on these two hands. And you can see in the background that it got blurred out so nothing distracts from the meaning of the image. Also with the sharpness you can see details in the hands of the kid in Uganda.

Photo by: Robert Capa
Year Created: 1938

Depth of field
This image uses a large depth of field, with the men walking up the hill its like a never ending image. You have some soldiers at the beginning of the image and you have some at the top so it makes your eyes look from the start to end.

Rule of thirds
This image also uses the rule of third concept, because the subjects aren’t directly in the middle of the picture. They are at the lower part of the image so that leaves the middle and top part of the image available.

Contrast Appropriate
I feel as though the contrast is good for the setting of the image. It’s a black and white image that portrays the image to be heart felt. Especially with the men walking up the hill you almost feel that you understand their fight with the tone of the image.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The topic of technology that I chose to research was Speed Graphic cameras. Speedgraphic was manufactured by Graflex, who was a camera producer in Rochester,New York. Surprisingly what was found was that although this camera may have been one of the best cameras to ever be produced, they no longer make them. The Speed Graphic has not been manufactured since 1973; the Speed Graphicwas America’s first and last great camera. But what made the Speed Graphic camera so high-class? With its two shutters and many different lenses with wide frames it stood out from all other technologies in that time era.

This camera affected photojournalism because this was the camera of choice for most photojournalist during the World War II. It was simple to use and got the job done. When it came to the quality of pictures and the cameras abilities it was what photojournalists wanted. With being able to capture many photos within seconds it made this camera useful for war photojournalism.

                                                        Image by: Arthur Fellig
                                      Image Source:

What I discovered when I compared the pre-digital photographic technology with my experience taking my image on my phone was that my device didn't have much of a variety with the features. For example, for the Speed Graphic cameras you had different lens that you could equip to enhance your pictures depending on your distance etc. And for my phone, what’s built in my phone is what I have to work with. The Speed Graphic cameras also were told to be fairly difficult to use for beginners but once you got an understanding for it, it became easy to use. As for my IPhone 4, I feel that it’s easy to use for a beginner in all phases. The similarities in these two were that if you know how to adjust the camera or phone at its best positions you can come out with similar quality images. With the way that technology is advancing, I’m sure you will see some phones almost as good as well-developed cameras used by photojournalists.

                                                         Image by: Devonte' Dillion

For the cameras back then, having the motor drive which also could be called as the shutter speed was an advantage in your field of photography. As Nordell said, “When you hold the shutter button down its takes a series of images rapidly,taking 10 images per second.” As for the IPhone though it has a similar feature but isn't as good quality. Nerveless the fact that both these devices can take photos which is an up front similarity, without them many instances would be overlooked. Some such as to help families or presidents elections. “Historians saythat photography changed the war in several ways. It allowed families to have akeepsake representation of their fathers or sons as they were away from home.” People could follow a journey simply through photos. And for these people to get these story telling photos these photographers had to lay it all out. “Capawas known to say, If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.”   This connects to their ability, they had no choice but to be quick on their feet and decisive. As Weegee said, “Newsphotography teaches you to think fast.”