Friday, January 30, 2015

Can Photographs Change the World?

Here the photo that I choose was of Elizabeth Eckford. The reason why decided to use this photo out of all photo’s is because I sense so much power and courage in this image. Being a African American back in Arkansas during that time period was extremely difficult. Not only that she was fighting the odds and attending school, not only that but attending a school that was once labeled as a “white only school”. When you look at this image you almost worry for her because she’s the only African American in the image and from the faces of the white people you can see the hate.
Photo by: Unknown

Do I believe that photographs can change the world? No I don’t believe so but I do believe that they can change the thoughts of some people but not all. For example this photo here of what it appears to be a hungry or homeless child is completely saddening. There are people who will scroll right by the image and think nothing of it, while there are others who will look deeply into the image and feel that they need to make a difference in the world. Also there are millions of photos of hungry children in this world but that does not justify the fact that by these images people will go and change that in any way.
                                                           Photo by: Kevin Carter
                                                           Image Source:

Looking at the course module 3, and reading the article, the premise behind these pictures there are good explanations as to why people believe what they do. As said in the article, “I really do not believe that photographs actually change anything, at least all the ‘world’ photographs can be very beautiful, informative, ugly or anything the photographer chooses to show.” Also another powerful quote I found in this article was when it was said, “The power of a picture is in the mind of the beholder.” Meaning that with your beliefs and thoughts the image may have a greater meaning to you compared to someone else.

Now taking a look at the article Ferguson’s citizen journalists revealed the value of an undeniable video Dan Gillmor it is apparent that in this case photos and videos can change the world. With all that has been going on between police officers and innocent and criminals evidence in most cases is what is missing. All that is left is he said she said, so with having proof with pictures or video that would change many things. As stated in the article, Video and pictures are an equalizer. Also as said in the article, video and pictures are essential tools to help restore some balance in a system that, in recent years, has tilted in favor of those who interpret “protect and serve” as license to act with impunity.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Photo Journalism

What is photojournalism?

-Photojournalism can be envisioned as many different things, that including combined photos that tell a story, a collage of historic photos and photos that are in actual reality. As Professor Nordell said, “Divide the words into two words, photo and journalism. Its photos made to be put into journals.” And with that being the overall subject that leaves the photographers with the job title of a photojournalist. According to journalism Degree, The primary role of the photojournalist is to be a visual storyteller. By photographing, editing, and presenting images, they tell a story in a way that no other media can. The photographs serve the purpose of enhancing the story for the reader or viewer.

The importance of photojournalism?

The importance of photojournalism is to make the viewers feel as though they are there with the photojournalist. Here the importance displays the actual severity of the situation realizing that the photographer is capturing the moments as they are occurring. To read something and to actually see something creates two complete different emotions. As said in Steve’s Digicams, “a single photo can speak louder than several words can. It has the ability to enhance a news story, making it more understandable to the viewer or reader.”

Photo by: Eddie Adams

Looking at the videos that were posted in the module content material it gave me a good idea of the severity that photojournalists have to deal with in order to get that proper image that tells the story. As said in the video in harm’s way, “Every photographers dream is to capture the image that will stop a war.” With that quote alone you can sense that he meant by any means, photographers wanted to capture that compelling image that would ultimately tell the untold stories of conflict.